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John Brown Monument
Photographer: Howard C. Ohlhous
Taken: August 11, 2011
Caption: John Brown Monument
Additional Description: The John Brown Memorial Association began making pilgrimages to the John Brown Farm in 1922, commissioning the memorial statue, the work of the New York City sculptor, Joseph Pollia and the Roman Bronze Works, Inc. of Corona, New York. Erected by the Carnes Granite Company of AuSable Forks, New York, it was unveiled on May 9, 1935, and dedicated then "to John Brown and his comrads" by the John Brown Memorial Association, Incorporated. The Association no longer exists.
Submitted: August 26, 2011, by Howard C. Ohlhous of Duanesburg, New York.
Database Locator Identification Number: p169380
File Size: 1.295 Megabytes

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