Photograph as originally submitted to this page in the Historical Marker Database Click on photo to resize in browser. Scroll down to see metadata.
Marker at flag pole
Photographer: Denise Boose
Taken: February 11, 2012
Caption: Marker at flag pole
Additional Description:
March 26, 1988
116 years ago this date, an 8.3 earthquake hit Lone Pine. 27 people died. 16 are buried at this site in a common grave. Alice Meysan Age 11 (family still resides in Independence), Manuel Ybaceta, Anotonia Montoya, Maria Tarrazona & her 3 children. The rest of French, Irish, Chilean, Mexican, Native American ancestry are known but to God.
March 26, 1872

Submitted: April 24, 2012, by Denise Boose of Tehachapi, California.
Database Locator Identification Number: p201576
File Size: 0.104 Megabytes

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