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The Havana Special — “51½ Hours New York to Havana”
Photographer: Timetable from The Official Guide of the Railways
Taken: December 1, 1925
Caption: The Havana Special — “51½ Hours New York to Havana”
Additional Description: Click on image to enlarge. This 1925 timetable shows daily first-class-only train departing New York City at half-past noon and arriving in Key West 44 hours later. A Peninsular and Oriental luxury steamship met the train in Key West and accepted the railroad ticket for the 7 hour voyage to Havana. The fare was around $55 one-way, or $715 in 2018 dollars. By 1933 speed had been improved to 37¾ hours to Key West and 6 more to Havana.
Submitted: January 15, 2021, by J. J. Prats of Powell, Ohio.
Database Locator Identification Number: p563093
File Size: 4.033 Megabytes

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