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View from south-side of Lock #49 with the remains of a warehouse in the background
Photographer: Robert H. Moore, II
Taken: October 18, 2009
Caption: View from south-side of Lock #49 with the remains of a warehouse in the background
Additional Description: The Denton Jacques warehouse was here, at Lock #49, as early as 1863. It is uncertain whether this warehouse was one of the victims of the Confederate raid that moved through here, en route to Chambersburg, Pa., on July 27, 1864. However, Jacques' store and one owned by Prather were burned by the Confederates on that day, here at Four Locks. Also while here on that day, word was received that Pennsylvania militia was moving to intercept the Confederate force. Confederate forces moved from this point to gain the upper hand, and forced the militia back into Pennsylvania with relative ease.
Submitted: October 28, 2009, by Robert H. Moore, II of Winchester, Virginia.
Database Locator Identification Number: p82447
File Size: 1.260 Megabytes

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