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Woolen Mill "Picker"
Photographer: K. Linzmeier
Taken: July 19, 2010
Caption: Woolen Mill "Picker"
Additional Description: Located on this site, the Wollen Mill was a major industry in Reedsburg from 1882 to 1967. The Mill was destroyed by fire April 9, 1968. This wheel was part of a "picker" used to clean the wool and remove the clumps before it went to the carding room where it was combed into strands.
As an historic remnant of the Woolen Mill, this wheel serves as a symbol of recognition for the thousands of people who worked there, weaving the fabric of Reedsburg's future.
Submitted: July 22, 2010, by Keith L of Wisconsin Rapids, Wisconsin.
Database Locator Identification Number: p118889
File Size: 0.588 Megabytes

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