Photograph as originally submitted to this page in the Historical Marker Database Click on photo to resize in browser. Scroll down to see metadata.
Photographer: Syd Whittle
Taken: August 7, 2010
Caption: Hercules
Additional Description: This tree is Stop No.12 on the Calaveras North Grove Trail:
This tree was one of the largest in the grove. It was blown down during a violent windstorm in December, 1861.
John M. Wooster was one of the early explorers to visit the grove in 1850. It was two years before Dowd's discovery. He claimed to have carved his name on this tree before it fell, but the evidence is now gone.
Submitted: August 9, 2010, by Syd Whittle of Mesa, Arizona.
Database Locator Identification Number: p121734
File Size: 3.071 Megabytes

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