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The Catskill System
Photographer: Howard C. Ohlhous
Taken: April 14, 2007
Caption: The Catskill System
Additional Description: A second plaque at the Gilboa Dam overlook:
The Catskill System collects the waters of Schoharie and Esopus Creeks and yields a supply of 600 million gallons daily. From this point to the Silver Lake reservoir on Staten Island the water travel distance is 157 miles. The Gilboa Dam forms the Schoharie reservoir 5 miles long holding 22 billion gallons under a full surface of 1142 acres. The tributary watershed area is 314 square miles and the reservoir delivers a yearly average of 300 million gallons daily into the Shandaken Tunnel. The masonry spillway of this dam is 1324 feet long - its bottom thickness is 157 feet and it rises 183 feet above the rock foundation. The total length of the dam is 2073 feet - it contains 467,000 cubic yards of masonry and 866,000 cubic yards of earth embankment. The crest o the spillway is 1130 feet above sea level 0 the steps on the dam average 17 feet high. The treads 13 feet wide. Construction operations were begun in 1917 and water was first impounded on July 24, 1926. The construction cost of the dam was 7,800,00 dollars. Tablets erected 1927.
Submitted: November 4, 2010, by Howard C. Ohlhous of Duanesburg, New York.
Database Locator Identification Number: p134798
File Size: 0.974 Megabytes

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