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Grave Markers Next to Statue
Photographer: William J. Toman
Taken: November 10, 2010
Caption: Grave Markers Next to Statue
Additional Description: According to a web site about Madison, see Surrounded by Reality link, "In 1909 the Lincoln Statue was first placed on University Hill. Later it was decided to move the statue closer to Main Hall [now Bascom Hall], and that a terrace would be built around it. On July 13, 1918 while excavating the site human bones were found.

"The skeletons were identified as William Nelson and Samuel Warren, two men who died in Madison’s very early beginnings and were buried here. Rusty nails were also found among the bones so it’s believed they were buried in wooden coffins that rotted away. Markers were put into the terrace with their initials and the year of their death. The bones are still there."

The very small markers are visible inset in the cement next to the top step, at the bottom of the photo in the center and on the right.
Submitted: November 10, 2010, by William J. Toman of Green Lake, Wisconsin.
Database Locator Identification Number: p135672
File Size: 3.730 Megabytes

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