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Not the first, but the closest to the first
Photographer: Andrew Ruppenstein
Taken: April 2, 2011
Caption: Not the first, but the closest to the first
Additional Description: The original A&W stand at 13 West Pine Street was open less than five years, but by then A&W had already expanded to a number of other locations in California. This A&W is located at 216 East Lodi Street (about 6 blocks from the original A&W location), and was opened in 1954. There are currently more than 1,200 A&W restaurants throughout the world. In addition to being the closest to the original location, this restaurant also has the distinction of housing one of the largest collections of A&W memorabilia in the world.
Submitted: April 6, 2011, by Andrew Ruppenstein of Lamorinda, California.
Database Locator Identification Number: p149329
File Size: 1.255 Megabytes

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