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"The Spirit of the American Doughboy " and markers
Photographer: Mike Stroud
Taken: June 26, 2011
Caption: "The Spirit of the American Doughboy " and markers
Additional Description: A small mound has been placed in front of the Doughboy to give the appearance of coming out of a trench (going “over the top”) and the statue is encircled in large heavy metal coils representing obstacles of “no man’s land” while also discouraging attempts at vandalism (which apparently did no good; after substantial vandalism in 2006, the statue was repaired in time for Memorial Day ceremonies that year).
Submitted: June 29, 2011, by Mike Stroud of Bluffton, South Carolina.
Database Locator Identification Number: p159435
File Size: 1.322 Megabytes

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