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Plaque on the Railing
Photographer: Michael Herrick
Taken: August 6, 2011
Caption: Plaque on the Railing
Additional Description: In 1861 as the Civil War escalated, a decision was made to provide a monument to honor soldiers from the Kensington area. The effort was led by The Reverend Elias Hillard, Nelson A. Moore, Selectman George Cowles and church members. It was designed by Mr. Moore and dedicated on July 28, 1863. This monument was the first in the Nation to honor Civil War soldiers. There were 15 local area men who served including Elijah H. Bacon who was awarded the Medal of Honor.
This plaque donated by the Town of Berlin under the auspices of the Berlin Veterans Commission
Submitted: August 12, 2011, by Michael Herrick of Southbury, Connecticut.
Database Locator Identification Number: p167541
File Size: 1.390 Megabytes

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