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Napoleon Muzzle Markings
Photographer: Craig Swain
Taken: September 17, 2007
Caption: Napoleon Muzzle Markings
Additional Description: Muzzle markings were used to denote the origin, registry (serial number), inspector, and other attributes of a cannon. By 1861 the Army's Ordnance Department standardized these in a format seen above. "No 53" is the registry number identifying this individual piece. "Revere Cooper Co." is the manufacturer. "1213 lbs" is the weight of the cannon when produced. "1862" is the year of manufacture. "T.J.R." are the initials of Thomas J. Rodman, who inspected the weapon and accepted it for service.
Submitted: February 26, 2008, by Craig Swain of Leesburg, Virginia.
Database Locator Identification Number: p17079
File Size: 1.009 Megabytes

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