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St. Michael
Photographer: Mike Stroud
Taken: September 29, 2011
Caption: St. Michael's Episcopal Church Tribute
Additional Description:
How Grand A Fame This Marble Watches O'er
Their Wars Behind Them God's Great Peace Before

St Michael's
Writes within her hallowed walls
the names of her gallent sons
who died for the Confederate cause
and consecrates their memory
1861 — 1865

Brigadier General J Johnson Pettigrew aged 36
Lieutenant Colonel Thomas Pinckney Alston aged 32
Lieutenant Colonel Thomas M Wagner aged 37
Captain Edward Downs Frost aged 30
Captain Robert Pringle aged 26
Surgeon Thomas L Ogier aged 31
Assistant Surgeon Edward Gough Porcher aged 26
Lieutentant Thomas Bee Huger CSN aged 42
Lieutentant Philip Porcher CSN aged 29
Lieutentant John Julius Pringle Alston aged 27
Lieutentant William Heyward Grimball aged 26
Lieutentant Thomas Middleton aged 30
Lieutentant Charles Alston Pringle aged 21
Major William Henry Ladson SC M aged 33
Edward Bland Beesley aged 20
Thomas Lynch aged 46
Oliver Hering Middleton aged 18
Thomas Parker aged 29
Frederick George Porcher aged 22
J R Poinsett Pringle aged 21
Alexander Robertson aged 24
Lewes Morris Vander Horst aged 33

They fought the patriots fight
They kept the faith of their fathers
They fell on their stainless shields

Non Sibi Domine Sed Patrle
[L. Not for self, but for Country]

Submitted: November 21, 2011, by Mike Stroud of Bluffton, South Carolina.
Database Locator Identification Number: p181812
File Size: 0.132 Megabytes

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