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Photographer: Michael Kindig
Taken: November 9, 2010
Caption: President's Room
Additional Description: Originally the site of the family chapel, this room once contained an altar near the present fireplace where visiting priests celebrated mass. The room was the focal point of religious life for those who lived here.

This room was later used as a dining room, with food being carried in silver dishes on large trays from the kitchen. When the dining area was moved to its present location in 1938, the room became the bedroom of Richard O'Neill, Jr. The adjoining room's patio door was sealed and the wall between the rooms cut through to make a bath for this bedroom. The bed, which once had a straw mattress, was bought by the O'Neill's at an auction. The kneeler standing against the north wall is perhaps the house's oldest piece of furniture. It reflects the piety of the early Californians.

As president Roosevelt passed through the old adobe ranch house on dedication day, he paused in the room now known as the President's Room. Taken by its charm, he remarked with a smile, "Reserve this room for the next ex-President of the United States". From that day, the room was called "The President's Room", but it never lived up to its designation until 1969 when President Richard M. Nixon was inaugurated; he had slept in the room May 9, 1966 as guest of Major General Robert E. Cushman, then Base Commander.
Submitted: January 8, 2012, by Michael Kindig of Elk Grove, California.
Database Locator Identification Number: p188451
File Size: 3.046 Megabytes

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