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Pleistocene Era Bone
Photographer: Michael Kindig
Taken: November 9, 2010
Caption: Pleistocene Era Bone
Additional Description: "This bone was discovered by a contractor during construction of I-5 in November 1966. Subsequent research by Dr. Savage of the University of Southern California positively identified the bone as a right femur from either a mammuthus Columbia or mammuthus Jefferson (extinct elephant). The bone weighs 60 lbs. These two species of elephants lived in the middle and late Pleistocene era (1 million years ago). They were as large or larger than the existing bull elephant, and were approximately 12 feet high at the Shoulders"
Submitted: January 8, 2012, by Michael Kindig of Elk Grove, California.
Database Locator Identification Number: p188522
File Size: 3.162 Megabytes

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