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Rose Tree - Located within the Rose Tree Patio Area.
Photographer: Denise Boose
Taken: June 14, 2011
Caption: Rose Tree - Located within the Rose Tree Patio Area.
Additional Description: The picture of the "World's Largest Rose Bush", that has been given you, was taken during the blooming in the month of April. The rose is a white Lady Banksia and the root was sent from Scotland in 1885. The bush was planted to climb over the woodshed. Mr. Macia tore down the shed and built a trellis.
The bush does not require feeding or spraying, but it does require pruning and watering. Several truck loads of brush are pruned from the bush each January. The blossom is a small white rose growing in clusters.
When Robert Ripley first called this bush "the world's largest" it was one-fourth its present size. It now covers more than 8,000 square feet. Walk under the bush out into the backyard, this the best view. You are welcome to take pictures.
Submitted: March 11, 2012, by Denise Boose of Tehachapi, California.
Database Locator Identification Number: p195990
File Size: 0.737 Megabytes

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