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The Oilworker Marker
Photographer: Denise Boose
Taken: April 6, 2012
Caption: The Oilworker Marker
Additional Description: When the news spread that oil had been discovered in the San Joaquin Valley of California, young men responded from all parts of our nation. The came from the farms of Missouri and Kansas, the ranches of Texas, the hills of West Virginia, and the mines of Pennsylvania. They were strong and rugged men, unskilled in their new jobs, but from these men came new ideas and innovation. They toiled in dangerous and dirty conditions with temperatures sometimes reaching over 120 degrees in the summer. There were no hard hats or other safety equipment that we use today. From these oil fields men took the ideas and technology around the world. Victor Killingsworth
Submitted: April 13, 2012, by Denise Boose of Tehachapi, California.
Database Locator Identification Number: p199981
File Size: 0.080 Megabytes

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