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Olustee Battlefield
Photographer: Olustee Battlefield Visitor Center
Taken: `
Caption: Olustee Battlefield
Additional Description:
The Civil War
The Beginning of the End
February 1864
   For three years the Civil War has raged in this bitterly divided nation. The ragged and hungry Confederate forces on the northern fronts are enduring the winter's biting cold with most supplies from the Western states cut off and the Southern seaports blockaded.
   General Grant's Union Army of the Potomac is waiting for the spring thaw before charging into General Lee's Confederate Army of Northern Virginia. General Sherman is amassing 100,000 Union troops in West Tennessee and preparing for a fiery march through Georgia and South Carolina.
   The Confederate states are now relaying heavily on Florida's farmers to furnish beef, pork, beans, potatoes, and salt to sustain its military forces. The Union's attempt to restore Florida to the Union and to cut off these vital supplies, leads here on the afternoon of February 20, 1864, to the Battle of Olustee.
Submitted: April 28, 2012, by Mike Stroud of Bluffton, South Carolina.
Database Locator Identification Number: p202101
File Size: 1.303 Megabytes

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