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The Transfer House 1937
Photographer: Bill Pfingsten
Taken: June 8, 2012
Caption: The Transfer House 1937
Additional Description: In the years to come, the Transfer House would continue to exceed any expectations the original builders had ever dreamed. All electric street cars and interurbans that went through Decatur had to utilize the Transfer House. From a functional standpoint, if a person was riding a streetcar, they would be making a stop at the Transfer House which made it a common meeting point. A 1913 survey claimed that in addition to 82 Interurbans a day, 36 streetcars an hour passed through Lincoln Square totaling 730 cars per day. This high volume coupled with the second story bandstand attracted multiple well known speakers. A few of the more prominent figures were Presidential Candidate, Williams Jennings Bryan and Presidents, William Taft, Woodrow Wilson, and Theodore Roosevelt.
Submitted: June 28, 2012, by Bill Pfingsten of Bel Air, Maryland.
Database Locator Identification Number: p209777
File Size: 1.119 Megabytes

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