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The Old McDonald School Bell sign
Photographer: Mike Wintermantel
Taken: August 18, 2012
Caption: The Old McDonald School Bell sign
Additional Description: The old school bell was cast and installed in the newly constructed McDonald School in 1875 by the Chaplin-Fulton Company of Pittsburgh. For nearly 75 years bell's ring called the students of McDonald's elementary and high schools to the classroom. The bell and its associated four lighted clock faces also automatically rang and kept the community informed of the proper time throughout the day and night. The bell had a clear and mellow tone which could be heard for miles around.

The bell carries the name of the school board members at that time: David Brown, President; John A. McCausland, Secretary; William Yound, Treasurer; Harry Plance, Louis Chambon and Wayne Woodring. The name of the new school's building contractor, J.M. Andrews, also appears.

In anticipation of the old school building being razed the bell and clock were removed from the school's tower in the early 1970's. After removal they were then stored in various locations around town in hope of eventually building a new tower for their use. However, those efforts proved fruitless and it was finally decided to place the bell here in Heritage Park. The clock, unfortunately, was "mysteriously misplaced" and its whereabouts remains unknown!!

On 4 July 1976 the bell was featured during McDonald's Bicentennial Celebration and then mounted here in Heritage Park on 31 July 1976. The "Old Bell" will always remain a classic piece of McDonald's long and proud history.
Submitted: August 18, 2012, by Mike Wintermantel of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
Database Locator Identification Number: p215944
File Size: 2.445 Megabytes

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