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Brief History of the Korean War
Photographer: Mike Wintermantel
Taken: October 9, 2012
Caption: Brief History of the Korean War
Additional Description: The Korean War erupted on June 25, 1950 when the North Korean Army organized, equipped and trained by the Soviet Union invaded the Republic of South Korea.
Encouraged by the prompt action of the United States, the United Nations condemned this act of aggression. For the first time in its history, the U.N. created a United Nations Command, with the United States acting as its executive agent, to repel the attack of North Korea and prevent Communist domination. In addition to the United States and South Korea, twenty other nations provided military contingents which served under the United Nations banner.
The fighting raged on for more than three years, as the U.N. forces drove the North Koreans from the Republic of South Korea and then stemmed the tide of the Chinese Communist Army attacks. The active hostilities ended with an armistice on July 27, 1953.
Because there has never been a political settlement of the war, an uneasy peace still reigns over the Korean peninsula. The provisions of the armistice agreement still constitute, among other things, a de facto boundary between the two Koreas.
For a number of reasons, the Korean War remains "The Forgotten War" and this neglect constitutes a great tragedy. By erecting a beautiful and inspiring memorial to those who served their country in Korea during one of the most significant military campaigns in the twentieth century, we can rectify this situation and give meaning to those who served our country.
This memorial can be viewed from different perspectives. On one level we want to honor and recognize those men and women who served in Korea; those who died, those who survived, and those who remain missing in action. On a second level, we want to educate the residents of Western Pennsylvania and the Tri-State area about what has come to be known as "The Forgotten War" and through the mechanism of the Korean War Veterans' Memorial, to foster an expanded awareness of how duty, courage and sacrifice are embedded within the American spirit.
Submitted: October 13, 2012, by Mike Wintermantel of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
Database Locator Identification Number: p223326
File Size: 4.984 Megabytes

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