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1999 National Passport Stamp
Photographer: Don Morfe
Taken: September 14, 2009
Caption: 1999 National Passport Stamp
Additional Description: Mount Rainier National Park celebrates its 100th anniversary in 1999. In 1899, the majestic, glacier-covered mountain, subalpine meadows, and dense forests drew visitors and supporters from throughout the Pacific Northwest. One hundred years later, those resources attract millions of global visitors. In its second century, the park faces modern challenges and pressures from increasing visitation an encroaching urban development. Protecting the mountain and its rich ecosystems while treasuring its inspirational values remains the park’s primary mission.
Submitted: December 26, 2012, by Don Morfe of Baltimore, Maryland.
Database Locator Identification Number: p229832
File Size: 0.401 Megabytes

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