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McKissick Museum, as mentioned
Photographer: Mike Stroud
Taken: January 13, 2013
Caption: McKissick Museum, as mentioned
Additional Description: The University of South Carolina’s McKissick Museum fosters awareness and appreciation of the diversity of the American South's culture and geography, attending particularly to the importance of enduring folkways and traditions. It accomplishes these aims through original research about southern life, material culture, natural science, and decorative and fine arts by holding exhibitions, issuing publications and by public programming. It collaborates with the university community and outside constituents in documenting, collecting and interpreting the region’s culture, history, and natural environment.
Submitted: January 20, 2013, by Mike Stroud of Bluffton, South Carolina.
Database Locator Identification Number: p231789
File Size: 0.679 Megabytes

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