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Neils -- Esperson Building
Photographer: Jim Evans
Taken: January 20, 2013
Caption: Neils -- Esperson Building
Additional Description: The Neils -- Esperson Building is catercornered across the street from the Gulf Building on Travis. [I pronounce that cattie cornered] The building is the only complete example of Italian Renaissance architecture in Downtown Houston. Designed by theater architect John Eberson, the Esperson building was built in 1927. It's elaborately detailed with massive columns, great urns, terraces, and a grand tempietto at the top, similar to one built in the courtyard of San Pietro in Rome in 1502. His wife Mellie Esperson had the building constructed for her husband, Niels, a real estate and oil tycoon, and his name is carved on the side of the building, above the entrance, in large letters.
Submitted: January 21, 2013, by Jim Evans of Houston, Texas.
Database Locator Identification Number: p231954
File Size: 0.750 Megabytes

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