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"The Cowboy of the Osage"
Photographer: Mary Thurman
Taken: October 10, 2008
Caption: "The Cowboy of the Osage"
Additional Description: We honor the memory and the spirit of those who worked this Big Country, their personal sacrifices and determination. We salute others who will carry on the traditions of integrity, and the heritage of care of the wide and rolling prarie [prairie]. With no one to account to but themselves, the market, and to God, the Cowboy of the Osage believed they had a piece of cowboy heaven, “right here on Earth,” a belief shared even today. A tribute to the old cowboy creed, “a man is as good as his word.” Osage County has become known as one of the most renowned cattle grazing areas in the United States.
Submitted: January 27, 2013, by Mary Thurman of Wheelerville,, Missouri.
Database Locator Identification Number: p232353
File Size: 1.398 Megabytes

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