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Historical Marker
Photographer: Allen C. Browne
Taken: January 15, 2012
Caption: Historical Marker
Additional Description: Point Lookout, also known as Camp Hoffman, imprisoned the largest number of military and civilians during the War Between the States. There are 52,264 documented Confederate prisoners at Point Lookout compared to 45,000 imprisoned at the Andersonville prison for Union soldiers.

It is unknown exactly how many prisoners died at the Point Lookout POW camp There are 3,384 names of dead prisoners listed on the nearby Federal Monument. Yet, nearly 700 additional dead have been identified since then and new names are documented every year.

A historical marker was originally placed in 1963 at the site of the prison pen approximately two miles south of this point. It was stolen in 1995 and seven years later discovered at a salvage yard in Kingston County, New York by a descendent of a Point Lookout prisoner. Despite efforts of the St. Mary’s Historical Society and Maryland State Police, it could not be removed until 2004 when local attorney Earnest Bell Esq. worked with St. Mary’s County and New York State Sheriffs’ offices to return the historical marker to the St. Mary’s Historical Society.

The St. Mary’ Historical Society donated the marker to Confederate Memorial Park and Point Lookout Prisoner of War Descendents Organization in August 2007.
Close-up of sidebar on marker

Submitted: May 3, 2013, by Allen C. Browne of Silver Spring, Maryland.
Database Locator Identification Number: p240885
File Size: 0.425 Megabytes

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