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"Restored" Wesleyan Chapel
Photographer: Yugoboy
Taken: February 21, 2013
Caption: "Restored" Wesleyan Chapel
Additional Description: Several years ago, the chapel was comprised of what few slabs of wall that still stood, a roof and support beams. Due to the weather of Western New York, the decision was made to reconstruct the outer walls of the chapel and incorporate the remaining portions of wall into the new structure. The current building occupies the same footprint as the old, but is designed to last many years. It is open, with displays and other artifacts for people to tour and enjoy. There is also a stage, and events are occasionally held here as well. At the re-dedication ceremony a re-enactor read the entire Declaration of Sentiments.
Submitted: May 10, 2013, by Yugoboy of Rochester, New York.
Database Locator Identification Number: p241719
File Size: 3.201 Megabytes

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