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Wild Child and Baughman Rocks Markers
Photographer: F. Robby
Taken: May 9, 2008
Caption: Wild Child and Baughman Rocks Markers
Additional Description: The Wild Child inscription: In the late spring or early summer of 1830, a ten year old girl, Lydia Shultz, was living with her family on the slopes of Negro Mountain. Lydia was sent to the woods, as was the custom, to gather the cows. When she didn't return, neighbors went searching for the child. Months went by until she was eventually found. She had been living off the land, eating berries and other foods nature provides. The child had become quite wild, at times hiding from the searchers.

Baughman Rocks inscription: Henry Baughman - an ill-tempered man - and his two sons, were searching the fields for lost cows. The father becaome angry with his youngest son, August, who was slowing the search. The father struck him with a stick, knocking him unconscious. Henry, thinking his son was dead, hid the body amongst what is now called BAUGHMAN ROCKS. Later, returning to the site, he could not find the body. On the testimony of his eldest son, Henry was tried, convicted, and served a term for second-degree murder. What happened to August remains a myster to this day.
Submitted: June 8, 2008, by F. Robby of Baltimore, Maryland.
Database Locator Identification Number: p25206
File Size: 1.120 Megabytes

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