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General Armstrong left Guntown, Mississippi
Photographer: David Graff
Taken: April 23, 2012
Caption: General Armstrong left Guntown, Mississippi
Additional Description: on August 22 and stopped in Holly Springs to pick up the rest of his 3,300-man-force that was to be the principal body that would take the fight to the Union. When he pulled out five days later, General Armstrong's force included nine regiments from Tennessee, Alabama, Mississippi and remnants of other forces that were unassigned. The force made it to the Wolf River by nightfall near La Grange, Tennessee and rested for a couple of days while the final plans were pieced together for the campaign. It was decided that a detachment would ride near Bolivar, Tennessee and feel out the Union force stationed near the city.
Submitted: October 31, 2013, by David Graff of Halifax, Nova Scotia.
Database Locator Identification Number: p259343
File Size: 0.716 Megabytes

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