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The Tamworth Powerstation Museum
Photographer: Barry Swackhamer
Caption: The Tamworth Powerstation Museum
Additional Description: Tamworth was the first town in Australia to be lit by electricity, in 1888, just nine years after the invention of the incandescent electric light bulb, first by the Englishman Joseph Wilson Swan, who demonstrated his invention in December 1878, followed (independently) by the American Thomas Edison in October 1879. It was also one of the early centres to be connected to the telegraph, in 1861, just seven years after the first telegraph came into use in this country. The Tamworth Powerstation Museum was opened on 9th November, 1988, the centenary of the installation of electric lighting in Tamworth. It was the first Australian all-electric museum. - from the museum brochure
Submitted: December 10, 2013, by Barry Swackhamer of Brentwood, California.
Database Locator Identification Number: p262215
File Size: 0.014 Megabytes

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