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Veterans Memorial
Photographer: Sandra Hughes
Taken: September 13, 2013
Caption: Veterans Memorial
Additional Description: The Huntsville Madison County Veterans Memorial was officially dedicated on Veterans Day, November 11, 2011. The Veterans Memorial Foundation, a volunteer organization, was chartered to oversee the design and construction of the memorial by the City of Huntsville, the County of Madison and endorsed by the citizens of Madison in 2002. The memorial was funded entirely by the citizens,of Madison County and the Tennessee Valley and is maintained by the City of Huntsville. The 8 polished black granite markers are engraved with the names of over 365 Madison County servicemen who made the ultimate sacrifice for their country. The granite for these markers is from the same quarry that supplied the Vietnam Memorial in Washington D.C. Engraved in limestone above the black granite markers is the timeline of all Wars from 1775 showing the nearly three million men and women who have died or been wounded in defense of our country. The Memorial honors and pays tribute to all veterans for their "Courage, "Sacrifice", and call to "Duty".
Submitted: January 20, 2014, by Sandra Hughes Tidwell of Killen, Alabama, USA.
Database Locator Identification Number: p264965
File Size: 2.150 Megabytes

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