Photograph as originally submitted to this page in the Historical Marker Database Click on photo to resize in browser. Scroll down to see metadata.
Remnants of the Past
Photographer: Cosmos Mariner
Taken: June 14, 2013
Caption: Remnants of the Past
Additional Description: A short walk up the trail brings you to the Wolfe Cabin. John Wesley Wolf and his son Fred settled on the banks of Salt Wash around 1898. Drawn by the climate, which was drier and “healthier” than their previous home in Ohio, John and Fred spent more than a decade leading lives of solitude and hard work.
Beyond the cabin you can see rock art created by the Ute people depicting a hunting scene with riders on horseback from around the 1700s.
While the human story goes back thousands of years, the geologic story reaches much further. The remnant of rock born about 150 million years ago currently known as Delicate Arch, serves as most travelers’ destination. Surrounded by sky and pierced by nature, Delicate Arch stands as an iconic image of Arches National park.
Submitted: April 1, 2014, by Cosmos Mariner of Cape Canaveral, Florida.
Database Locator Identification Number: p269783
File Size: 1.916 Megabytes

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