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Made in Pittsburgh
Photographer: Mike Wintermantel
Taken: May 14, 2014
Caption: Made in Pittsburgh
Additional Description: Winning the War required contributions from everyone. Families "did without" as producers of homefront necessities retooled to turn out munitions and military equipment. Bombers were built in former canneries; pickle plants were converted to assemble pursuit planes; and factories once devoted to the production of baby carriages now manufactured components of guns. The American Bantam Car Company in nearby Butler developed a prototype of the Jeep in 1940 and manufactured 2,675 of the vehicles during the War.

"I, along with 10,000 other people, attended a launching today...(of) an ocean-going ship...built here at Pittsburgh...The most interesting that this sea-going vessel, launched out here on the Ohio River, came off an assembly line!"

Lowell Thomas, newscaster, March 5, 1942

"I wish...that the names of all the men who were doing this great production job in Pittsburgh could be written into the war history. Every time I approach Pittsburgh, especially by plane, I get a sense of tremendous power, a sense of accomplishment. Pittsburgh thrills you."

Frank Knox, Secretary of the Navy

"I don't think we could continue the war without the Jeep. It does everything. It goes everywhere. It's as faithful as a dog, as strong as a mule, and as agile as a goat. It constantly carries twice what it was designed for, and still keeps on going."

Ernie Pyle, Scripps-Howard correspondent, 1943
Submitted: May 14, 2014, by Mike Wintermantel of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
Database Locator Identification Number: p273357
File Size: 2.153 Megabytes

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