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1782 Red Brick Wall
Photographer: Bill Coughlin
Taken: May 18, 2014
Caption: 1782 Red Brick Wall
Additional Description: The original one story house was destroyed by the British and Hessian army on June 7, 1780, during the Battle of Connecticut Farms. While caring for her baby in the first floor bedroom, Hannah Caldwell, the wife of Reverend James Caldwell, was shot and killed by musket fire that is believed to have come from a British or Hessian soldier. The house was then ransacked and burned, as was most of Connecticut Farms on that fateful day. The house was rebuilt with three stories on the original foundation in 1782 by members of the Connecticut Farms community.

A section of the brick wall can be seen inside the Caldwell House.
Submitted: May 18, 2014, by Bill Coughlin of Woodland Park, New Jersey.
Database Locator Identification Number: p273721
File Size: 3.412 Megabytes

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