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One-story "shotgun" house on Charles Avenue
Photographer: Marsha A. Matson
Taken: July 5, 2014
Caption: One-story "shotgun" house on Charles Avenue
Additional Description: The name “shotgun” was given because of the typical alignment of the house’s doors; supposedly, a bullet fired at the front door would pass straight through the house and out the back door. The rooms are lined up, one behind another, usually the living room, then one or two bedrooms, and the kitchen at the back. The shotgun houses are usually tiny (12 ft wide) constructed on piers with no setback from the street, a front porch, wood frame, wood siding and, sometimes, chimneys made of stone.
Submitted: July 23, 2014, by Marsha A. Matson of Palmetto Bay, Florida.
Database Locator Identification Number: p279964
File Size: 2.478 Megabytes

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