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Ashland Boys

Caption: Ashland Boys' Association Mummers Parade History
Additional Description: The Philadelphia contingent coming home to Ashland off the train evolved into the annual Mummers Parade. In 1910, the first known celebration started on Saturday night at 8:00PM when the members of the Philadelphia Branch of the Ashland Boys' Association arrived in special train over the Reading Railroad. There were three coaches attached to Engine No. 97 and the train carried two hundred jolly Philadelphia Ashland Boys and their families. This was the tenth anniversary of the association and was one of the most successful celebrations in the history of the Ashland Boys' Association.

Ashland was a proud community greeting the Philadelphia contingent with a celebration. The following organizations were in line to greet the Philadelphia Branch of ABA in a informal parade: Ashland Boys Band, Philadelphia Branch of A.B.A., German Catholic Knights, Centralia Band, American Hose Company, Knights of Golden Eagle, Emmett Band, Washington Fire Company, Woodman of the World, Improved Order of Redman, Washington Light Infantry, the German Catholic Knights, a splendidly drilled organization formed the letters "A.B.A." in perfect accord and thrilled the spectators. The Ashland community all had roman candles and torches in there hands to greet the informal processions as it grew bigger.

Ashland was the only town to respond in this unique way of sentiment and pride while walking all the returnees home. The independent Ashland A.B.A. Mummers Club finally formed in 1928 according to the Ashland Daily News and at this point, everything was an organized parade. Curley Lentz from Ashland Boys' Association of Philadelphia faithfully carried an Olympic torch in the mummers parade. This was the symbol of the Philadelphia contingent and he carried the torch until he couldn't walk anymore. The parade was an anthracite coal region showcase that brought thousands of non-Ashland residents into Ashland for almost a century. The Saturday night before Labor Day will always be remembered in the hearts and minds of Ashland residents.

This is a photo of the beginning of the last mummers parade back in 2008.
Submitted: August 14, 2014.
Database Locator Identification Number: p282605
File Size: 1.331 Megabytes

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