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A Brief Diversion
Photographer: K. Linzmeier
Taken: September 18, 2014
Caption: A Brief Diversion
Additional Description: When trout and salmon mature, instinct draws them back to their home streams to spawn. On the Kewaunee River, artificial barriers and structures divert them into the Besadny Fisheries Facility where they are artificially spawned.
The first barrier fish meet here is the dam. An apron in front of the dam eliminates the plunge pool that normally would provide fish with a "running start" to jump the dam.
An apron behind the dam and spillway allows fish that have been passed through the facility or stocked upstream to travel downstream.
Words to Know
ANADROMOUS Fish that swim up-river from the ocean, and certain lakes, to spawn in their home streams.
IMPRINT A behavior pattern established early in life. With fish, it involves the sense of smell. The unique scent of each body of water guides fish to their home streams to spawn.
Submitted: September 28, 2014, by Keith L of Wisconsin Rapids, Wisconsin.
Database Locator Identification Number: p287211
File Size: 6.816 Megabytes

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