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Custer Monument -Interpretive Display
Photographer: Mike Wintermantel
Taken: December 21, 2014
Caption: Custer Monument -Interpretive Display
Additional Description: Panel 5 - caption 3
Courtesy of the Little Bighorn Battlefield National Monument

Mrs. Custer, 1885
Custer did indeed get Libbie, although the task was not easy. She had energy boundless as Custer's, was an excellent equestrienne, and feared little - a match in every way for Custer. In 1863, she accepted Custer's proposal, but as to the wedding date, she remarked, "Ah, dear man, if I am worth having am I not worth waiting for?...If you tease me I will go into a convent for a year. How I love my own name Libbie BACON!" Libbie had no luck holding on to her own name and always appears under the name "Custer, Mrs. George Armstrong."
Submitted: December 22, 2014, by Mike Wintermantel of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
Database Locator Identification Number: p296007
File Size: 2.642 Megabytes

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