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The Birth of the Teddy Bear

Taken: November 6, 1902
Caption: The Birth of the Teddy Bear
Additional Description: In November 1902, the American President Theodore ‘Teddy’ Roosevelt was relaxing during a trip to settle a border dispute in Mississippi and was taking part in a hunting trip in the state of Mississippi. Having had no luck in finding a bear, members of the presidential hunting party tracked and caught a small black bear which, as the story goes, was a motherless cub. They tied it to a tree and then “invited” the President to shoot it as a trophy of his visit. When the president arrived on the scene he refused to shoot the bear, considering it to be unsportsmanlike. The incident caused Clifford K. Berryman to draw a cartoon titled “Drawing The Line in Mississippi” which linked the incident to the political dispute that had taken President Roosevelt to Mississippi in the first place. (This is the redrawn image of Clifford K. Berryman's first image.)
Submitted: January 4, 2015, by Cleo Robertson of Fort Lauderdale, Florida.
Database Locator Identification Number: p297473
File Size: 0.128 Megabytes

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