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World War II Boomtown panel
Photographer: Barry Swackhamer
Taken: January 21, 2015
Caption: World War II Boomtown panel
Additional Description: Captions: (top) Portable houses lined the tracks in Kelso, 1944. Kelso Depot is on the right, concealed by trees.; (bottom left) Lester Packard at his store. After Packard died in 1941, his family leased the store and two adjacent houses to a series of other shopkeepers. The family still owns the building, across the street from Kelso Depot.; (bottom right) The Grissom family leased the Packard store and houses during World War II. Maude Grissom and a friend are in front of the house east of the store, which later burned down.
Submitted: January 31, 2015, by Barry Swackhamer of Brentwood, California.
Database Locator Identification Number: p299234
File Size: 3.373 Megabytes

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