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Brookgreen Plantation House Site, Now a Raised Pond and Fountain with Sculpture
Photographer: J. J. Prats
Taken: February 22, 2015
Caption: Brookgreen Plantation House Site, Now a Raised Pond and Fountain with Sculpture
Additional Description: The Waccamaw River, from where visitors would arrive until the 20th century, is behind the photographer so this would be the front of the house. The two circular stones on either side of the path are rice millstones.

A small museum card at the pond reads: “The original house was probably built by William Allston (c. 1738–1781) around 1764. It was a two-story, colonial design with a pair of chimneys built on the exterior walls, a central hallway, and four rooms on each floor. Allston’s widow, Rachel, married Dr. Henry Collins Flagg in 1784 and they lived here until 1799. Joshua Ward purchased the property in 1800 and his son, Joshua John Ward (1800–1853) was born here. J. J. Ward was the wealthiest of the Georgetown rice planters, owning eight plantations and receiving awards for rice cultivation. He enlarged the house, adding wings on each side of the original structure, a ballroom, and a wine cellar. The house burned in 1901.”

The pond is lined with latticed brick interrupted by brick-framed stone. The center stone on this photograph is inscribed: “This fountain occupies the site of the original house which was burned in 1901. A subsequent modern structure which replaced it has been removed. It serves as the main reservoir for the distribution of water to all points of the garden.”

The Italian marble sculpture at the far end of the pond is titled “Alligator Bender” by Nathaniel Choate (1899–1965). It was carved in 1937.
Submitted: February 23, 2015, by J. J. Prats of Powell, Ohio.
Database Locator Identification Number: p300997
File Size: 10.950 Megabytes

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