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Dedication Marker
Photographer: James King
Taken: April 4, 2015
Caption: Dedication Marker
Additional Description:

To the deceased past pageant and San Juan/Rodeo workers of San Juan and other communities. Men, women, boys and girls who labored faithfully in their various ways to build up character and effectiveness of the annual commemoration of the founding of the old mission. To them who now are gone ahead of us, we respectfully dedicate this plaque.

Father Francis J.E. Caffery MM
Pageant Founder - 1929-1941

Leonard A. Caetano
Fiesta-Rodeo Chairman 1952-1983
Fiesta de San Juan Chairman 1984-2000

Submitted: April 8, 2015, by James King of San Miguel, California.
Database Locator Identification Number: p304875
File Size: 4.639 Megabytes

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