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Elizabeth Cady Stanton
Photographer: Allen C. Browne
Taken: January 18, 2014
Caption: Elizabeth Cady Stanton
Additional Description: This 1889 portrait of Elizabeth Cady Stanton by Anna Elizabeth Klumpke hangs in the National Portrait Gallery in Washington DC.

“Elizabeth Cady Stanton was a feminist from the start, refusing to include ‘Obey’ in her marriage vows to her husband; and when she spoke of God she used the female pronoun. Stanton helped organize the Seneca Falls Convention of 1848, which was the founding moment of the American women's rights movement, and she was the longtime president of the National Woman Suffrage Association. Although Stanton's goal was to give women political power through the ballot, she spearheaded other feminist goals, such as liberalizing divorce laws and reforming child-rearing methods. But unlike other early feminists, she always insisted on the primacy of women's right to vote over other reform objectives, including abolition. She wrote ‘Our “Pathway” is straight to the ballot box with no variableness nor shadow of turning.’” — National Portrait Gallery
Submitted: May 1, 2015, by Allen C. Browne of Silver Spring, Maryland.
Database Locator Identification Number: p306808
File Size: 1.406 Megabytes

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