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Caxias House
Photographer: Bernard Fisher
Taken: May 2, 2015
Caption: Caxias House
Additional Description: Marshal Luis Alves de Lima e Silva, Duke of Caxias, was born at Rio de Janiero, August 25, 1803, he died in his seventy-seventh year at Santa Monica, May 7, 1880. The Duke of Caxias, the only holder of that title in the history of Brazil, was that nation's most famous soldier. Courage and enduring effort in the cause of Brazilian independence lifted him to the pinnacle of military greatness. He tempered valor with prudence, and patriotism with far-sighted wisdom. This house is named in his honor as a gesture of peace and friendship towards the Portuguese speaking people of South America.
Peace Forever
Biasa Rodriguez
Submitted: May 4, 2015, by Bernard Fisher of Richmond, Virginia.
Database Locator Identification Number: p307145
File Size: 0.846 Megabytes

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