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<i>Type des Moulières</i>
Photographer: L.l.
Taken: Circa 1905
Caption: Type des Moulières
Additional Description: This historical postcard is very similar in content and form to the postcard depicted on the right of the marker, Type des Moulière. The model in the middle of this trio is most likely the same as on the marker, based on the similarities in physical appearance and dress.

During the first decade of the 20th Century, sending postcards was a very popular activity in France. One popular genre was the "Types" - the depiction of representative persons in various locales. These ranged from fairly straightforward, almost ethnographic depictions, as on the cards here, to sometimes somewhat salacious depictions of the natives in less developed countries.
Submitted: July 27, 2015.
Database Locator Identification Number: p318458
File Size: 0.329 Megabytes

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