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Pennsylvania Anthracite Miners Memorial Marker-Plaque 2
Photographer: Don Morfe
Taken: August 1, 2015
Caption: Pennsylvania Anthracite Miners Memorial Marker-Plaque 2
Additional Description: Guided only by a dim light that carried him through the night or day, his blackened face and weary eyes etched the strength and unshakable pride of the Pennsylvania Anthracite miner. Many yesterdays, todays and tomorrows were built by his hard working hands using only a pick and a shovel-Roseanna Hall. In loving memory of all those members of the Blaschak Family who devoted their lives to the anthracite mining industry. Reading Anthracite Company, Schuylkill Energy Resources, Pagnotti Coal Company, Bobby Burns Coal Co. Girardville, Smack Shack, Jude and Guy Julian Shen, Heights TV. Womer’s Landscaping Co., Schuylkill Mountain Center for Human Services, A program of the Northwestern Corporation, Mike McCoog. Anthracite Miners Memorial Committee: Theodore “Pop” Souchuck, Thomas I. Kowalonek, John Catizone, Florence Geise, Lois Alcaraz, Peter Vernalis, Jr., Grace Trutt, William J. Mallick, Sandra Peiffer, Pauline Shaw. Zenos Frudakis, Artist/Schulptor.
Submitted: August 7, 2015, by Don Morfe of Baltimore, Maryland.
Database Locator Identification Number: p320328
File Size: 1.808 Megabytes

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