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Pennsylvania Anthracite Miners Memorial Marker-Plaque 3
Photographer: Don Morfe
Taken: August 1, 2015
Caption: Pennsylvania Anthracite Miners Memorial Marker-Plaque 3
Additional Description: Lead me to the light of another day. Safely to my family O God I pray. Keep me strong so I can provide for the needs of my family, my joy, my pride. Guide me safely to the skies of blue, and let me not take for granted the work that I do. As I labor and toil through the night or day. My faith and my hopes show me the way. See me not as a man burdened with strife, but as one who respects the meaning of life. I am the anthracite miner. Come walk with me, today, tomorrow and eternity-by Rosanna Hall. Pennsylvania Anthracite Miners Memorial.
Submitted: August 7, 2015, by Don Morfe of Baltimore, Maryland.
Database Locator Identification Number: p320329
File Size: 1.775 Megabytes

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