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Henry Clay
Photographer: Allen C. Browne
Taken: August 9, 2015
Caption: Henry Clay
Additional Description: This 1842 portrait of Henry Clay by John Neagle hangs in the National Portrait Gallery in Washington DC.

“His admirers called him ‘Gallant Harry,‘ and his impetuous charm made him quite possibly the most beloved politician of his generation. But the real legacy of Kentucky's Henry Clay was his unstinting devotion, in the House of Representatives and later in the Senate, to maintaining a strong American union. In the early 1830s, as southern states threatened to nullify federal authority over a tariff bill that would have hurt plantation economies, Clay set aside his own preference for the new law to orchestrate a compromise. In 1850, with the North and South on the verge of armed conflict over the extension of slavery into the new western territories, Clay again stepped in with proposals that, temporarily at least, satisfied both sections. This last act of his career earned him the title of Great Pacificator.”
Submitted: October 16, 2015, by Allen C. Browne of Silver Spring, Maryland.
Database Locator Identification Number: p333709
File Size: 1.370 Megabytes

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