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Fountain of the atrium of the Temple of San Francisco
Photographer: J. Makali Bruton
Taken: October 27, 2015
Caption: Fountain of the atrium of the Temple of San Francisco
Additional Description: This fountain is just north of the temple, within its gated atrium area. A nearby sign (removed in 2018) read:

Fuente del atrio del Templo de San Francisco, Antigua y hermosa construcción, muy franciscana por lo sencillo de su fabricación, en cantera gris, tonel pretil hacia fuera; las piedras están unidas en la parte superior con grapas de fierro. Al centro luce una curiosa columna que sostiene extendida taza con vertor, a cuyos costados oriente y poniente tiene figuras estilizadas que semejan peces, por cuyas bocas cae el agua hacia la fuente.

An old and beautiful construction, very Franciscan by the simplicity of its manufacture, in gray stone, guardrail butt facing outward; the stones are joined in the upper part with iron cramps. In the center, it displays a curious column holding an outstretched cup with pourer, whose east and west sides have stylized figures resembling fish, through whose mouths the water falls into the fountain.
Submitted: November 6, 2015, by J. Makali Bruton of Accra, Ghana.
Database Locator Identification Number: p337205
File Size: 1.583 Megabytes

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