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Colonials at Bonaventure - Houstouns
Photographer: Mike Stroud
Taken: August 1, 2008
Caption: Colonials at Bonaventure - Houstouns
Additional Description: Born as the grandson of Scottish knight and baronet Sir Patrick Houstoun, Patrick Houstoun left Scotland in 1734 and settled near what is now Richmond Hill, Georgia, land that would later belong to Henry Ford. When Patrick’s cousin Sir John Houstoun died without male heirs, the title of baronet passed to Patrick. Houstoun then entered the political area, serving all three royal governors. He was soon appointed as a member of the Royal Council of Georgia, and Houstoun found himself the ranking member within mere months. Houstoun spent his time advising the governor on matters ranging from Indian affairs to matters of public safety. Ann Priscilla Houstoun, married George McIntosh, fourth son of John Mohr McIntosh, the Highland Chieftain who went to Georgia from Inverness with 130 Highlanders. From this marriage descended branches of the families of Clinch, Sadler, Loud, Shanklin, Elliotts of South Carolina, Heyward and others.
Submitted: September 1, 2008, by Mike Stroud of Bluffton, South Carolina.
Database Locator Identification Number: p33890
File Size: 0.264 Megabytes

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